
Animal Control Ordinance in Marietta, Georgia Establishes "Pigeon Zone"

In recognition that negligence can result in a public nuisance or sanitary hazard, Marietta has created a designation for a "Pigeon Zone" which constitutes a responsibility for owners and tenants.… Read More »

City of Riverdale Requires Microchips for Dangerous Dogs

Riverdale, Georgia - Code of Ordinances Chapter 14 - ANIMALS ARTICLE II. - DANGEROUS DOGS Sec. 14-36. - Microchip implant. Any dog designated as a dangerous dog or impounded for… Read More »

City of Buford Uses Standard Gwinnett County Animal Control Ordinances

Here is an example of a city that makes no changes from those adopted by Gwinnett County. Buford, Georgia - Code of Ordinances, Chapter 8 - ANIMAL CONTROL Sec.… Read More »