When you initially send in an application for Social Security disability (SSD) benefits, you may think that having a lawyer might not be all that useful to you. But, having the assistance of an attorney will become much more important if your claim gets denied and you need to file an appeal.
The information below is provided for the benefit of those who are concerned about their chances of being awarded disability benefits at the appeals level. Still, all applicants are encouraged to speak directly to a knowledgeable SSD attorney regarding their concerns.
Requesting Reconsideration
One of the first things you should do to jumpstart the process is contact the Social Security Administration (SSA) and advise them of your interest in filing an appeal. Doing so not only gives the agency notice of your intent to appeal the initial decision, but it will also prompt them to forward the necessary documents to you.
Completing the documents should be pretty easy, but it is important for you to ensure that all required documents are completely filled out and submitted as required within the deadline given.
Boosting Your Chances of Winning at the Appeals Stage of the SSD Process
Not surprisingly, many claimants give up on their disability claims after their first denial; however, you should know that your chances of being granted benefits are greatly improved if you appeal your denial through to the administrative law judge hearing stage.
Claimants who have been denied generally wonder how to get SSD on appeal, and the best advice that any Duluth Social Security disability lawyer or any other Social Security disability professional could give them is to never give up. Regardless of what you think your chances of winning might be, they will be much higher than if you do not appeal the decision at all.
Just as bad as neglecting to file an appeal is failing to turn in the appeal in a timely fashion, as stated above. There is no reason not to appeal your denial right away after receiving it because the sooner you can move on to the next step in the process, the sooner you might be awarded the disability benefits you need and deserve.
The only exception to this rule is if you are waiting until you can employ the services of a disability attorney prior to filing the appeal. Having an attorney at this point will help you steer clear of some of the typical errors that claimants tend to make.
Before sending in the request for reconsideration, you should make a photocopy of every document you send in and keep it for your personal records. It is also important for you to follow up with the SSA after submitting the appeal.
Approximately one to two weeks after sending in the documents, you should contact the agency to ensure that your packet was received. If you are advised that they have not received it, make a copy of your copy of the documents and re-send it, ensuring that you make another follow-up call once its been mailed.
Working with a skilled disability attorney through the appeals process can prove to be invaluable to you in your effort to obtain benefits. If you would like to discuss your denial and begin the appeals process, contact McGahren, Gaskill & York right away for assistance.
DISCLAIMER: The information herein is for educational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. For any legal matters, we urge you to take the advice of an attorney familiar with your case.